Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Still Evolving

After only being able to complete sets of 3 during the Press last week, I got to thinking about doing that for all the lifts, except Deadlift, with the addition of 2 sets of 5 with the poundage backed-off a bit. I did that this workout, and I liked the way it felt. The volume increased significantly, and I could really feel it. So far, I'm holding steady at increases of 5lbs. per workout, except for the Press, which is my weakest lift, and Power Cleans, which I am still learning and developing stronger traps for.

On a not so happy note, my shoulder is acting up a bit, so I may need to have it looked at. I hope it's nothing serious. I don't think it is because I'm not having trouble with it during the lifts.

190 x 3 x 3
185 x 5 x 2

Bench Press:
150 x 3 x 3
145 x 5 x 2

335 x 5 x 1

That's about it. Not much to say really. Was going to do Barbell Rows at the end, but the chow hall was closing and I wanted to get a post-workout meal in during the time window (30min). Should be starting my supplementation next month. Leave in about a week, WOOHOO!!!!


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